Thursday, January 15, 2015

Nikki Nack by tUnE-yArDs = Kickin Ass Soundtrack Part 1

At a time in my life when I'm in need of extra musical encouragement & inspiration, tUnE-yArDs' latest album Nikki Nack is doing me a world of good. If only I had this album along with an iPod that functioned in below freezing temperatures when I was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in January 2013! It totally would've seen me up the mountain!

Speaking of Kili, it's my & my dad's 2-year Mount Kilimanjaro SUMMIT-versary on Saturday 1/17!! It's wild to think where I was & what I was doing 2 years ago at this exact time.

If anyone has interest in climbing Kilimanjaro, feel free to hit me up for advice &/or more information! I'd love to help motivate more people to climb Kili! It's a once in a lifetime experience I'll be forever grateful to have experienced with my kickass dad :)

Time of Dark

Hey Life

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